7/8 Frederick Reynolds Wedge w/ Vintage Horn Scales

This razor is a Frederick Reynolds masterpiece. Frederick Reynolds was a competitor of Wade & Butcher during the heyday of Sheffield’s reign as the culinary capital of the world. Manufactured in the 1800s, this wedge has survived the ages and has aged wonderfully.

The blade is a full 7/8″ and is a little big larger at the widest points. Featuring a smile and a near wedge grind, this is what a true Sheffield blade is supposed to be. It has incredible heft and a great look that has not been replicated in today’s razors outside of the custom razor market. The blade is tipped with a barber’s notch giving it a unique and aggressive appearance. The blade was restored to its original lustre, erasing centuries of aging.

The scales are vintage scales made from black horn. It is unlikely that these are the original scales as this razor is incredibly old, but someone lovingly replaced the scales on this blade and possibly carved his name into them. Borel C. is all I can make out. They have been brought back to their original shine and stand ready to last another century of use.

7/8 T&B Jacques LeCoultre Au Sentier Frameback w/ Original Horn Scales & Replaceable Blade

This is a 7/8″ Jacques Le Coultre straight razor featuring the original horn scales. This straight razor was made in France. The tang is stamped with the initials T&B. The tang also features jimps on the bottom for easier control.

The blade is a Spanish point of sorts, but is unique and rare because it is actually a replaceable blade. The idea behind this short lived idea was that you could switch the blades while your other razor was out for honing. This idea was innovative for its time and is a precursor to the modern day shavette. The original blade is now an integral part of this razor and shouldn’t be removed, although it could if you really wanted to.

Another unique feature about this razor is the scales. Not only are they made from horn and have survived the centuries in near pristine condition, but they feature a very unique shape. They have been lovingly restored and brought back to their original lustre.

11/16 George Wostenholm Pipe Razor – Hollow Grind & Bakelite Scales

This razor is a George Wostenholm Pipe Razor. These unique and highly sought after straight razors are distinguished by the pipe featured on the tang. Manufactured by George Wostenholm & Son, this razor was made in Sheffield England during their heyday. The pipe razor is regarded by collectors and enthusiasts as one of the finest examples of straight razor manufacturing.

The razor features an extremely well done hollow grind, ground by hand and a visually aggressive square point. The blade is housed in a pair of original and vintage bakelite scales. The bakelite scales have faded to a unique light brown color from the original black. They have been refurbished and brought back to their original lustre. The blade features a slight smile and taper towards the point.

Stamped on the tang are the words “The Original & True Pipe Razor, Sheffield England”. This is a must have razor for your collection or loved one. Not many of these are in circulation.

5/8 Utica Knife & Razor Co. #917 w/ Vintage Scales Made in Solingen, Germany

This razor is a Utica Knife & Razor Co. model 917 featuring vintage bakelite scales with mini-bullseye pins. This razor features top and bottom jimps for better control of the razor. It was manufactured in Solingen, Germany, the razor grinding capital of the world.

The blade was ground with a clipped square point, featuring a drop on the top and a square point on the bottom. The scales are vintage scales and either predate or are contemporary with the blade. The scales have changed color over the years, taking on a unique character not found on the original piece.

The Ultimate Straight Razor Shaving Gift Guide

Since it is the holidays, we’re rolling out a gift giving guide. This guide is still good for the rest of the year as straight razors don’t change. This guide is written for the person who knows nothing about straight razors or straight razor shaving. Don’t worry, we did all the hard work; all you have to do is make sure the recipient doesn’t already have the item you’ve chosen to gift. So, without further introduction, let’s take a look at what to buy these people!

This article is broken up into two parts. The first part is a gift guide for the straight razor beginner. It includes ASR’s advice on exactly which straight razor to buy along with the necessary accessories that should be given along with the straight razor.

The second part of the article is all about the veteran straight razor user. This hard to buy for person already has a strop, brush, soap, and a razor. What to buy this person? Well, this is what we would want for Christmas or our birthday!

Buying a Straight Razor for the New User

While I am still working on the Comprehensive Straight Razor Buying Guide, I’ll have to make this part short. For the absolute beginner with no straight razor experience, the standard advice is to purchase a 5/8″, round point, inexpensive, new or restored straight razor. Jimps are preferable. What!? You say. Don’t worry, here are some suggestions.

Dovo Faux Tortoise Shell Straight Razor Dovo Basic Straight Razor

Dovo makes some of the nicest looking straight razors today. The Dovo Faux Tortoise Shell is a classic. The design is simply beautiful. The blade even features gold etching on the face. For the more economical purchase, the Dovo Best Quality straight razor makes a great starter razor. All function, no frills. This razor will do the same job as it’s fancier brother without the frills and pomp.

Of course, the new straight razor user needs a little bit more equipment than a straight razor. He/She also needs a strop. It is highly recommended to convert fully to wet-shaving to achieve the best shaves possible so a brush and soap should also be on the list if they don’t already own said items. The silvertip badger brush is the ultimate expression of luxury. The humble boar brush on the other hand is a fully functional basic alternative.

The new straight razor user should own a strop. The Dovo strop is as good as it gets. However, for their first strop, it is recommended to go with a less expensive, but functional strop. The Fromm basic strop fits the bill perfectly. Another good option is a loom strop. Priced in between the Dovo & Fromm hanging strops, the loom strop has the added benefit of not having to learn how to tension the strop. A really good choice for the beginning straight razor user.

Soaps, Brushes, & Strops

Geo F. Trumper Almond Shaving Soap in Wooden Bowl

Geo f. Trumper Rose Shaving Soap in Wooden Bowl

D.R. Harris Marlborough Shaving Soap in Bowl

Omega Boar Shaving Brush

Semogue Pure Badger Shaving Brush

Semogue Silvertip Badger Shaving Brush

Dovo Premium Leather Strop

Fromm Basic Razor Strop

Dovo Loom Strop

Buying a Razor for the Veteran Straight Razor User

This person already owns a straight razor and probably knows what he/she wants. This person either already owns a basic straight razor or has a fancier one like the Dovo Faux Tortoise. Buying a straight razor for this person is tricky. Thankfully, if they don’t already own a Dovo faux tortoiseshell razor, then that makes the perfect gift. Unfortunately, it’s a pretty popular razor and the recipient may already own one.

The good news is that we have just the cure. Our #1 pick if he/she doesn’t already own one is the Dovo Bergischer Lowe in Buffalo Horn Scales. Or, if your looking for something truly exotic, think about the Dovo Razor in Siberian Mammoth Ivory. Below are pictures along with a few more ideas.

Dovo Bergischer Lowe in Buffalo Horn Scales

Dovo Razor in Siberian Mammoth Ivory

Dovo Ivory Micarta Straight Razor

Dovo Ebony With Silver Engraving Plate

Dovo 5/8″ Stainless Steel Snakewood (“Schlangenholz”) Razor

Dovo Razor in Genuine Bone Scales

As you can see, each of these masterful creations are as beautiful as they are functional. Any of these razors will make a welcome addition to any straight razor enthusiast’s collection.
But wait! After buying all those razors, he needs somewhere to put them. Look no further than:

Straight Razor Display Case


It might not be marketed as such, but pen display cases are perfect for displaying a straight razor collection. This one is well made and holds seven razors, one razor for each day of the week!

Stocking Stuffers | Small Gifts

Of course, buying someone a straight razor is a rather large expenditure. If instead you are looking for something a little less expensive, then below are some small gift ideas. They include our favorite soaps and brush stands. Each of these soaps comes with a beautiful wooden bowl. They make a great gift.

Brush Stand

Geo F. Trumper Almond Shaving Soap with Wood Bowl

Geo F. Trumper Rose Shaving Soap

D.R. Harris Arlington Hard Shaving Soap

D. R. Harris Almond Shaving Soap

D.R. Harris Lavender Shaving Soap

Vulfix Travel Brush

Edwin Jagger Travel Brush

Kent Travel Size Brush

Sorry we couldn’t think of any other stocking stuffer ideas. Any other stragiht razor shaving items small enough to fit in a stocking are rather mundane daily skin care products such as moisturizers, aftershaves and other items.

11/16″ George Wostenholm IXL Featuring 1/4 Hollow Grind & Decorated Horn Scales

George Wostenholm was one of the premier straight razor manufacturers in Sheffield England during it’s reign as the cutlery center of the world. They employed some of the finest craftsman and used the best steels of the time. Today’s mass manufacturers of straight razors have yet to replicate their quality.

This razor is RARE! Not only do the horn scales feature decoration stating that this is “The Real IXL Razor”, but the razor has a very unique point. This razor has both a curved spine for a smiling blade and a tapered tip. This was how it was made from the factory. Not many examples of this type of razor were made or are still in circulation.

The horn scales and blade have survived the centuries beautifully. The blade was quarter hollow ground by hand! The quarter hollow grind means the razor has a good heft to it but still has many of the advantages of a hollow blade. It is more wedge than hollow.

5/8″ Ern Crown & Sword Hollow Grind & Original Simulated Ivory Scales

Ern was one of the premier straight razor manufacturers from the early 20th century to the WWII era. Based in a suburb of Solingen, Ern produced some of the finest cutlery the world has ever seen. The Crown & Sword brand was their flagship product. Even Sears used Ern for their premier straight razor line.

This razor features a 5/8″ hollow blade with jimps on the bottom. The original scales are white in color and made from celluloid meant to simulate ivory. The blade features a visually aggressive square point and the tang is stamped with the Crown & Sword logo and the number 1820.