Ultralather is a term coined on the TSN forums describing a soap heavy lather mixture. MWF is not normally suited to achieve a high soap to water ratio, usually giving a light & airy lather. By following the steps we do in the video, you can pick up more soap solids and achieve a denser MWF lather.
The best way for me to lather MWF is much the same as in the video EXCEPT I use an extremely hot scuttle…I microwave it for 3 minutes. I load the brush and squeeze the contents into the scuttle then load again. I add 10 drops of water during the 2nd loading. I whip all this in my scuttle. The result is a thin airy mix…MWF does not like heat. Apply the thin airy mix to your face, yes this sounds crazy. In about 10 seconds it will cool and transform into a thick, lustrous lather…you can work this lather with your brush into the thickest cushion you’ve ever seen.